
Sources of inspiration

Hello everyone that might be reading this!
I thought i'd share some info on where the inspiration for this game comes from. As i mentioned earlier the main water supply for this seed came from an anime. Then you might guess me and Ikaros are somewhat fond of anime and japanese stuff. We are currently working on the story of the game, basicaly gathering inspiration from various sources.

Some of these sources are:

This will be a inspirational source for a minor character.
From: Tekken series
Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qy6TvjuTiz0
 Tak Fuji, The master, Fuji-Sama, call him what you want but he is an extreeeme game producer.

From: Konami E3 2010 Press conference
Original Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YtKMqdMWNec

So, as you guys can see, this is gonna be some random stuff, if you are into wierd humour, stay tuned for more updates, if not, well, forget you ever saw this! 8D


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