
Project Yume: What is it?

What is now known as Project Yume is a project i started a couple of months ago, it must have been in mid September sometime. The project was at first completely different if you compare it to today's version. It first started out as a course called E/PoF wich stands for Entréprenörskap och projekt och företagande. In english that could roughly be translated to: How to start and manage your own company. We basically got to start developing ideas, then try to make those ideas physical reality by producing products or services that we later have to sell. The main idea my group started working on at first involved microprocessor programming. As the groups tech geek i got the job of getting the code and techie stuff to work, it turned out though that this was a bit too much for me since i had never programmed on a serious level before, mainly writing HTML code and batch files. We later changed idea and started to develop an app for the android mobile OS. When browsing through what type of language one had to code in on Android we found that Java was the way to go. Thus the first seed for project Yume was planted. However the idea of app development was short lived as the group decided to change idea once again. This time the group went for a less technical more common product wich im at the moment can't discuss. It didn't involve programming though. Enough about E/PoF! Time to discuss the real reason why project Yume started!

E/PoF planted the seed, but without water a seed can't grow. That water came from an unlikely source. While sitting and browsing an anime streaming site i found an anime called Bakuman. This anime was about a guy called Saito who teams up with a guy called Shujin to create a manga and later turn it into an anime. After watching two episodes of the anime i spoke to one of my friends i call Ikaros. Ikaros likes to draw and want to draw comics in the future. I proposed we'd make a game. I do the programming, he'll do the graphics and we both work together on the story and the overall design. He liked the idea but then asked: "what type of game are we gonna make?"
The answer: "A visual novel"

For those of you not familiar with the visual novel genre you can have a look here:

However, I told Ikaros that if we made a visual novel it would be like him drawing a manga and me turning it into a game. Now, that seed i spoke of earlier got all the water it needed to start growing. I turned 18 about a month after that day, me and my dad went on vacation to London to celebrate me turning 18. While we were there we went to a book store called Foyles. There i found a book called: Head first: Java. I recognized it's value to me and Ikaros's project so i bought it. I also found two books of great value to Ikaros, those two books were about game designing, mainly character and world design so i bought them as well. When i got home i began building programs, mainly command line based applications, calculators and other random stuff. While i spent my free time in front of the computer writing java code Ikaros spent his time thinking about characters, drawing and generally improving his skills. Now however, after almost two months of more serious java studies i feel that i am ready to try to take on the challenge of finally coding the game.
This is Project Yume!

I chose to name the game engine Yume since it has been my dream for about 2 years to build a game. Yume means dream in japanese you see. Today i finished with Yume Engine 0.0.1. This is a pre-alpha version so i will not talk too much about it. Mainly i've build a nowhere near close to finished GUI and played around a bit with event handling xD I will however continue to work on this project and update this blog once in a while, so thank you for reading and stay tuned if you like the idea! ^_^


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